Hope you all had blessed holidays and a fabulous New Years Eve! Wish you the best in 2015! So, as many of you who know me personally, I've promised to blog more often and start 2015 in a productive way and I'll do my best to achive this.
As many of us feel January can be a bit of a boring, and poor month after spending a little too much money on the chiatmas gifts, diffrent holiday-outfits and party-refreshments. Also it's a boring month as a lot of us have rutines to go back to and the everyday-life is not quite as exciting as the holiday festives.
To brighten this month a little I think a bit of shopping can do the trick. Here are som favourites I found on asos.com. And of course, everything has a low price to keep January stylish and our wallets grateful!
Lits of love,